Tuesday 21 June 2011

Present About A Chocolate ('',)
You may know it,i and Anis present it very difficult such as the times has be gone fast,why i say that because our present have simply point and do not read a long essay,right?arhhh,i'm feel best when stand at in front of audience.So,i wish that when have any program at tutorial,i will join it properly.That's all :)
hehehe..actually i did not now how to input a slideshows so i download the picture ajela..
some picture that im taken with my partner at tutorial class
 Our presentation,TEAMWORK (",)

Monday 20 June 2011

Hari nih,disebabkan class bis last pukul 3.30 tadi,balik je bilik terus on on onLINE deh.Wee,actually boring sangat and mood nak chat agak tipis but tetap dgn pendirian for to be not arrogant to all my friends in fb.I'm sorry :) So let continue to about happens in today.Pada petang yang menjelangg,tibe-tibe pintu bilik aku diketuk.dahlaa aku tinggal sorang dalam bilik time tuh,tibe-tibe krekkreekk,bunyi pintu dibuka,aku mula tercengang,tiktiktik semakin aku merasa seram jerr.TUP! chimeyy....... laaa si Anis datang rupenye.HAHAA!
shima : haa anis,ape kau nak haa?
Anis : weh,bilik aku sume tidur,aku tak tahu nak borak ngan sapelaaa..
shima : lahh,yeke,mel mane?
Anis : tidurlaa,ape lagi.
shima : ohh.... (some text missing) hahaha
shima : nis cmner err cara nak pakai tudung tuu..
Anis : lah,kau ni takan tatahu,meh sini aku pakaikan..
shima : hehe,alah aku baru nak blajar sikit-sikit laa
Anis : aku babbab menghias org nih aku suke
shima : oh,okayy.lepas tu snap pic yerr.
Anis : aahlaa,sini sini aku pakaikan.
shima : Awwcchh! sakitlaa anis..
Anis : lahh,aku ta cucuk pape lagilaa.kau nak kena nihh,aisshh
shima : HAHA! relaks laa
Anis : terenggg! haa kan dah siap !
hahaa,ape ntah jadi keje bile orang dah bosan,
nih arabic palsu.(pakai ape yang ada)
Aku dah gemuk laaa.huh,camner ni.. (mula risau)

Sunday 12 June 2011

Time Kuar Gi Pasar Malam Ngan Member semalam..

Hari sabtu semalam ptg kuar ngan member g pasar malam,,haha! taktahu nak buat ape,nak gi kl ponat.kene gi 3hari 2malam,haha.actually lau gi pagi bleh laa,tapi disebabkan ade program pagi tuh tu yang tak dapat nak kua kemana-mana.huh,pasar malam pun tapelaa.dah lame tak gi,huhu.gi dalam kul6 lebih kurang cmtulaa,balik malam sebab makan kat gerai situ.korang tahu tak,makan gerai kat situ air die free.peliklaa,aku first time jumpa.huhu JAKUN laa.siap leh tambah lagi air tuh,sedap pula tak tawar.lau kedai-kedai air sirap dorg tawar pastu RM1.HUH duit-duit.hahaha! cakap pasal duit,habis duit kat pasar malam bnyak la juga,mane taknye beli beg laa,tudunglaa,kasut laa.huhu orang shooping kat THE MALL kami shopping kat PASAR MALAM.huhu tapelaa,sekali sekala best jugak ouh.Rase macam psr malam lagi best dari shopping mall,hee.anyway,maaf dad menggunakan duit tanpa terhad.I'M SORRY ;(  huu,kuakua jugak tapi blaja kene blaja.seramnye lau tak dapat higher pointer.I WILL DO IT! HAHA semangat ;)

gambar time makan kat gerai air FREE.hahaha!


Friday 10 June 2011

Hari ni,tadi after perjumpaan usrah my mum and dad datang kampus.Not shock cause mengetahuinyaa.huhuhu,so kuar makan bersama-sama nthen balik blek hostel.But,shock about that printer that dad buy it for me?HAHAHA! syukur alhamdullillah,actually i ask them to bought USB only for my old printer tapi dad blikan printer trus.gile tak suka,printer lahh untuk aku print out sume keje asgment,fuh! I'm Love It :)
Otherthan that,boleh photostat lagi tau.Betapa canggihnyelaaaa.hahaha,jadi JAKUN jap.biasalaa,barang baru kan,free pula.tapi dad i say "you must get any subject 3 POINTER if want the printer stay at hostel,if you cant get it THE PRINTER will put at home only and not for you!" huh.So i try do the best,for my dad and mum yg bnyk dah susah payah kat aku.aku nih tahu habiskan duit jer keje,blaja tamau.ishishishh,so sambung balik printer tuh ade PHOTO PRINT skali.kire tak yah gi kedai lagi lah.haha! MUMDAD <3.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

New FRIENDSHIP in my life now as a 'SHE'
Today i would share with you about where i'm and who give me strong to be there.Now i have study at Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor (KUIS) Bangi.why in there,suggestion from my family,neighbours and etc.I get an offer letter from another upu such as UNISZA (nursing) and UTHM (engineer).why so far from my home?So,i din't go to there because i tak rela berjauhan with my mum and dad.That's all.About in here,i accept our family decision and REDHA.huhuhu,sorry my english so broken,but i still want to write anenglish because my lecture say must speak and write in english if want to approve it.heee,i will try it! So,let me tell you about in here pula,Very Best,Interesting,Peaces,Make a changes in physically and mental,had a newfriends,Very Friendly and futhermore i make a change myself in here.Thanks for a god to show me for this taken for continue study in here.Alhamdullillah,everything so far so good.nothing change,i'm still SHIMA yang dulu.Suka kacau orang,Suka bangun lambat,Suka gelak-gelak n etc lahh cos tuh i have a newfriends that call she Nur Anis Amira Najeri.mybe buat smentara nih bukan kawan baik tapi bakal kalau takde pape masalah bersama but i wish she good to be friendship and percaya padaku,hahaa.pape pun,i need know she can be trust or not.Cukuplah UPDATE BLOG pada hari ini.

Here some PICTURE that we take from KUIS.HAHAHA,gila!

we are same take in DIPLOMA HUMAN RESOURCES :)